Saving PDF as Arch D

  1. Ensure the view you want saved is on an appropriately sized Sheet

  2. File

  3. Export

  4. PDF

  5. Name the PDF

    1. File

    2. File Name

    3. Last Name of client

  6. Place PDF in preferred location

    1. File

    2. Location

    3. Select Browse

    4. Browse for folder box should open

      1. select desired folder

  7. Ensure correct paper size is selected

    1. Size

    2. Paper size

    3. Arch D: 24x36

  8. Paper Placement

    1. Offset from corner

    2. No Margin

  9. Zoom

    1. Size

    2. Zoom

    3. Zoom: 100%

  10. If only one sheet is needed for the PDF hit OK

  11. If multiple sheets are needed for the PDF:

    1. Export Range

    2. Selected views/ sheets

      1. Select pencil button

      2. Select sheets needed for PDF

      3. Select

    3. If new Sheets set needed to be created

      1. Create new empty set (page with explosion in corner)

      2. Select sheets needed for PDF

      3. Select

  12. OK

Bonus: Image from my trip to Iceland - Sun Voyager


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Saving PDF Letter and Tabloid